Hi there! I do know that it’s too late (but better late than never!), but please let me introduce you the Loire sweater that… […]
Category Archives: making-of
Cardigan Bougainville
Hello! I’ve released a cardigan pattern called Bougainville this week. Please let me introduce it to you.
Everday Sweater
I published Everyday Sweater pattern this week, and today’s post is all about this design. (promotion, haha)
Fukinsei – My Zen garden shawl
The time has come for me to talk about this design. Fukinsei – My Zen garden – shawl is my first-ever (and last !?)… […]
Alexandre II
Okay, I said I’d catch up with my delay in posting, so when I publish a design, I should write a post about it,… […]
Tabbies and Care of your Tabbies
I know I’m a couple of posts behind about my designs. To catch up with my delay, I’m going to talk first about my… […]
Daydreamer pullover
Some of you may know this, I have a new pattern published on Ravelry. It’s a pullover pattern for babies and toddlers (6 months… […]
Grown-up Starry 2
I finished the last post with a photo of Grown-up Starry laid flat (see above). The armhole is quite particular because, as I wrote,… […]
Grown-up Starry 1
When I published Starry pullover – a beaded Christmas pullover for girls -, some knitters asked me if there would be an adult version.… […]
Color tiles blanket
Since we moved into our house 2 years ago, my daughter has wanted a knitted blanket. Our new house is indeed very old (built… […]