Technical Editing

Technical editing is one of the crucial steps in pattern writing. You have knitted that garment or accessory and written the pattern, so you know all about it, why you made this or that decision and how it knits up. But your knitters will discover your pattern and see only what is written.

Test knitting also gives you an appreciable help, but one tester takes just one size. A technical editor has a global view on your pattern, check everything to make sure that everything works, and gives you an outside opinion: Is the pattern easy to follow? Is the style consistent? Is the language appropriate to the supposed level of difficulty? And I will come up with suggestions to improve your pattern.

I have begun to tech-edit several years ago and I love this job because I can take part of this “pattern making” process, thinking with designers how to get instructions clear and easy to follow. I also like putting things in order 🙂

This is the list of what I (double)-check. Before sending me your pattern, please go through it for one last time, checking yourself the elements listed below. That will save our time and your money!

Mathematical aspects
– stitch/row counts consistency
– gauge – measurements correspondence
– required yardage
– measurements and materials conversion (meter-yard, centimeter-inch, needle size) – if you’re an American designer and want to reach Worldwide audience, I highly recommend that you convert yard/inch into meter/centimeter.

Style matters
– clarity of instructions;
– consistency of style and abbreviations;
– completeness of materials and abbreviations listed up;
– spelling and grammar.

– correspondence symbols/written instructions
I can also write instructions out from charts.

How does it work?
Please contact me with the form below, letting me know what kind of pattern you want me to tech-edit and when you’ll need it finished. I’ll answer as soon as possible if I can take on your pattern. My average turnaround time is currently 5 days.
I can correct and/or comment Microsoft Word and Excel files, OpenOffice documents, PDF files, and Google docs and spreadsheets.

How much does it cost me?
My current hourly rate is 24 euros (click on to see the conversion into your currency), with half an hour minimum.
I need to see your pattern to give you an estimate, but here’s the average time I need to tech-edit:
-accessories: 0.5 hr to 2 hr;
-garments: 2.5 hr to 4 hr.
Please note that patterns with complex stitches (lace, cables) and many sizes will require much more time (+ 1.0 hr or more).

I accept PayPal payments from all over the world, and bank transfers if you are in euro zone.

See the Pinterest’s board below for my works. I’m happy to work with new clients 🙂
Please feel free to contact me for any question!.

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