As promised at the end of the last post, here’s a tutorial of a new? short-row technique – a mix of W&T and Japanese method.
On RS (from RS to WS), as with W&T method, you knit to the turn-back point, slip one stitch, and bring your working yarn in front. I usually replace wrapped sts onto LN before turning work, this is more secure.
Turn work and bring back working yarn to the front (WS of work now). And, this is the most crucial point, slip the first st with yarn in front (photo), instead of purling it.
On this picture, I purled the second st. You have a running thread in front of the slipped st.
To resolve the gap, you proceed as for W&T.
On RS, you work to the wrapped st,
and lifting wrap with RN tip (left), knit together with the st (right).
Here’s the result from WS. Wrap is longer with this technique; yarn goes across slipped sts.
On WS (WS to RS), you proceed as on RS.
You purl to the turn-back point, slip one stitch on RN and bring your working yarn in back. Replace the st on LN, turn work, bring the yarn to the back of your work.
And slip the first st with yarn in back (photo).
Here, I knitted the second st.
To resolve the gap, once again, you do as for W&T!
When you come back to the wrapped st,
inserting RN tip into wrap from the bottom in back, lift the wrap onto LN .
Now you only need to purl the wrap and the st together.
And what is striking is that you obtain the same result as with the Japanese method 2 (slipped st and yo). This is indeed totally logical because, instead of keeping connecting loop on the needle with yo, we wrap it around sts. The result on RS is just as neat and what’s more, you don’t need to reverse YO and st to purl on WS. Not bad, is it? 🙂 We can call this way Japanese Wrap & Turn!
To be toally honnest, I have to add that the result on RS is the same as German short rows technique (or double st), and conncecting loop on WS is shorter with German method, which gives you an even neater fabric.
But if you’re used to W&T, this Japanese W&T is a good compromise!
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