about… me

Hi! Thank you for stopping by 🙂

I’m naoko, an addicted Japanese knitter living in France since 2001. My Ravelry ID is strandsoflife.
I’ve come into the world of knitting in 2009. As many French knitters, I began with the famous French brand Phildar, to make little things for my daughter. And one day, I discovered Ravelry: It’s been a total amazement… Since then, most of my life has become centered around knitting.

I was the translator and owner of Atelier Knits, an online store of indie designers’ knitting patterns, translated from English or French into Japanese, from 2012 to 2022. I’m very proud to have offered Japanese knitters the possibility to knit “foreign patterns” in our mother tongue. I worked with popular designers such as Alana Dakos, Stephen West, Åsa Tricosa, Martina Behm, Heidi Kirrmaier, Hélène Magnússon, Isabell Kraemer, Mademoiselle C.

I’m also a technical editor. I’ve become by chance – one of the designers I worked with for my online store asked me to check her upcoming pattern in 2013 -, but love this job because I can take part of “pattern making” process, thinking with designers about how to get instructions clear and easy to follow. I also like putting things in order 🙂 And of course, for the privilege of previewing upcoming patterns!

And I’ve become a knitwear designer. I often “patternize” things I made for my daughter.

But above all else, I’m a knitter and I love simple and wearable design with clever construction.
I like natural yarns, and it’s best if they are ecological, local and social ones. I pay particular attention to the origin of raw material, dying process, place of production, and try to prefer European yarns, but I have to admit that I can’t always resist the temptation of (North and South) American hand-dyed yarns 😉

Find me also on
Ravelry | Twitter | Instagram
(Do not be surprised by my dual identity on the SNS!)

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I’m also a WP lover and WP theme customization (first Twentytwelve, and now Sela, I’ve fallen in love with this theme at first sight, it’s lovely!) is one of my hobbies. And I love Raleway font for its “W”!
So many sites hide this statement, but I say loud and clear: I’m Proudly powered by WordPress!

4 thoughts on “about… me

  1. I am knitting My Little Black Cardigan. I am so confused when you get to the decreases at the armhole. What are the instructions for a size 38 3/4″ sweater? I am an experienced knitter and the directions make no sense to me. Can you help? Please?


    1. Hi Kris, I replied to your email when I got the message, have you finished the armhole shaping?

      1. Hi, I am also confused with a section of the pattern. Once you completed the Back, in my case I have 64 stitches. before starting the short rows.
        Can you give me the total number of stitches I should be working across for the right/left shoulder & what is to be bind off for the Back. I think it’s 23, 18(:?), 23. That way, I can mark. I can’t figure out when you add the short rows. AND would it be possible just to drop the short rows and work it straight, still making the decreases at the neck edge?
        I’ve worked short rows on many projects, but this pattern has me really confused so I might just forego them.
        Barbara Williams

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