
Knitting with beads – 1

Adding beads on your knitting works is an embellishment you can treat yourself to quite easily. They add sparkles to your delicate lacy shawls, feminine touch to your accessories.
Beading requires some tools, and of course beads! But wait a moment before runshing into a craft store, because there are beads and beads!
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British Seacoast

As promised in the last post, here’s the pullover I knitted with Lyonesse DK, a British yarn.

This is Seacoast pullover by Joji Locatelli, published in Woolpeople No.7 of Brooklyn Tweed, in 2014.
I’ve fallen in love with this pattern when it was out. The pullover is beautiful, with simple and clean lines, and the model who has it on is really charming!
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British yarn – local yarn buying guide

In a recent post about my ultimate local yarn, I “declared” that I tried to prefer European yarns. This principle is often shaken by beautiful photos of hand-dyed yarns on SNS, and I allow myself from time to time not to observe it because I’m not a sort of “radical” person, but I tried to keep it as often as possible. And I was recently faced with a dilemma I hadn’t expected.
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Knitting again

I’d recently had a little break from… knitting! I have no idea about the reason of this pause, but I hadn’t knitted at least for a month, even two, and compared to the frequency, duration and intensity of my usual practices (meaning I knit every day a couple of hours), it was totally abnormal.
But one day, I came across a pattern that made me want to knit again.
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my ultimate local yarn

As all fibrephiles, I love hand-dyed yarns for their nuanced or vivid colors, variation of tones, softness, for all in short, and especially those from Malabrigo or Madelinetosh.
But I should say that the Americas are far away from France!
In my real life, we eat “local” and French as much as possible (we’re a member of community supported agriculture association) and for a while now, I try to apply this principle to yarn purchase preferring European yarns.
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Spring Thaw Tam pattern is available!

I’m pleased to announce that my Spring Thaw Tam is available at last, here on my site, or on Ravelry.

As her big sister Spring Thaw mitts, the tam is worked in Broken seed stitch with alpaca and variegated yarn, and it just evokes plants which appear when the snow begins to thaw.
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modified Icelandic BO

Recently, I needed to find a bind-off which could match German Twisted Cast On. I love using this CO for borders in ribbing because it’s easy to do – it’s a variation of a long-tail CO, which is most familiar to me -, and it gives a reversible and sturdy edge perfect for hard-wearing items (if you don’t know this technique, see this link). But the strength of this CO is, above all, its elasticity.
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